Thank you for visiting the portfolio page of Peter Inouye, composer of music for video games, trailers, films, and other media.

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Interview with Gamesauce


I recently did an interview with Vlad Micu for, an online publication that writes articles and interviews to inspire passion among video game developers.

I got to discuss composing music for games and slot machines, breaking into the industry, my inspirations, and my thoughts on the direction of game audio in general.

Check out the full interview here.

Blowfish Meets Meteor trailer released

A new trailer I did music for is out! This time it’s for Blowfish Meets Meteor, just released in the iTunes App Store by developer Sky Tyrannosaur. Check it out.  I did some of the music and sounds for the game as well.

Minion Master out of Beta

MM LogoMinion Master has finally officially launched! If you weren’t already in the beta, go get it right now! And if you just want to try it, grab the free-to-play “lite” version and try out some pre-built starter decks. And since it’s free, you have no excuse to not be playing it right now! So grab it straight from or from Desura. Do you prefer Steam? Then vote for us on Steam Greenlight!

So far, this is the the most ambitious game that I have written music for, and it was an honor and a privilege to work with the experienced guys at BitFlip Games. They all have so much previous AAA experience, that it was surprising to work with three devs that could all code, model, animate, create sound design, and still express what they want me to do in musical terms. I can’t wait to see what expansions they bring out next.

Check out the newest live-action trailer we created to commemorate the launch!